'Hey Visionaries welcome back to Claryision where I\'m your host Joshua Clary! Today we have 2 new firsts, the first thing is that we have our new background up finally! You guys saw the struggle that Ryan and I had with that DIY nightmare. The second thing is that we have a guest co-host with us! For the first time ever my mom is joining us here on YouTube to do a video in our Seen On Screen series! My mother is a child of the 80s so what better way to celebrate her first time on Claryvision want to try out the big dazzler! Yes!!! This seen on TV products was a fashion staple amongst children and older people in the 1980s! Not only are we going to take a look at one of the original Bedazzler commercials from the 1980s but we literally are going to attempt to use this and Bedazzle new outfits! Not only was this video super fun to film with my mom but I truly have an appreciation for anybody who knows how to properly put gems onto fashion apparel, because let me tell you it\'s not easy! If you guys want to see more fun crafty things from my mom you can check her out on Facebook and Instagram! Instagram: @karencomerscards Facebook: www.facebook.com/karencomerscards If you guys liked this video and want to see more of our \"Seen on Screen\" series you can check out the playlist here!! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLws05lUOozQ7n1rssdlXidXUlUwMsTs85 LINK TO LAST WEEKS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7mB9wY61RI LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! FIND ME ON YOUR LOCAL SOCIAL MEDIA: https://www.facebook.com/claryvision https://www.instagram.com/claryvision https://www.twitter.com/claryvision #diy #moms #crafting #bedazzler #funny'
Tags: fashion , diy fashion , 1980 , 1980's fashion , Ugly Fashion , as seen on tv , dont waste your money , bad fashion trends , worst as seen on tv products , Cursed Commercials , buzzfeed quiz , mother and son , bad fashion , cool mom , bedazzler , claryvision , Joshua Clary , 1980's commercials , worst fashion , 80's products , seen on screen , how well do you know your mom , mom tries , quiz for mom , products that dont work , cash or trash , bad commercials , bedazzler commercial , throwback fashion
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